Bio-Shield Histamine - 96 Tests

ITEM # B60-96

PRICE: $595.00

QTY *  


Scombrotoxin fish poisoning is caused by ingestion of certain species of fish that contain high levels of histamine. Tuna, mahi-mahi, mackerel, herring, marlin, and bluefish are the fish most associated with histamine formation when a time/ temperature abuse results in bacterial release of histidine decarboxylase and subsequent reaction with the amino acid, histidine, to produce histamine. FDA provides a guidance level of 50 ppm histamine in the edible portion of fish. The presence of 50 ppm or more histamine is indicative by FDA of decomposition in these fish whether or not organoleptic examination detects decomposition. Health Canada has established a maximum limit of 100 ppm in fish and fish products, and a higher 200 ppm for anchovies, fermented fish sauces and pastes. Histamine is heat-stable which makes it a useful indicator of decomposition, even in thermally processed fish.


Competitive Quantitative ELISA test; single-break strip plate with 48 wells (12 strips)


Limit of detection (LOD): 2 ppm

Range of Quantitation: 2.5-200 ppm

Rapid Detection: 20 minutes

Test Matrices: fresh fish, canned fish, thawed fish and fish meal

Acylation process: Not required

Ready to use reagents

Shelf Life: 12 months | Storage 2-8 C

Limit of detection (LOD): 2 ppm

Range of Quantitation: 2.5-200 ppm

Rapid Detection: 20 minutes

Test Matrices:fresh fish, canned fish, thawed fish and fish meal

Acylation process: Not required

Ready to use reagents

Shelf Life: 12 months | Storage 2-8 C